There is an almost constant tug-of-war going on inside working moms. They are pulled between wanting what’s best for their career, and what’s best for their kids. Welcome to The Working Mom’s Guide to Sanity podcast, your go-to resource for support, advice, and inspiration as you navigate the challenges of balancing your ambitious career dreams, and your family. Each week, we’ll bring you interviews with powerhouse working moms to share their insights on how they manage to find sanity while juggling their demanding jobs and kids. So, whether you’re listening on your commute to work, during your lunch break, or while running errands, we’re here to support you and help you achieve your goals as a working mom. Tune in to The Working Mom’s Guide to Sanity podcast and join our community of like-minded moms who are torn between their kids and careers like you are!
Wednesday Nov 10, 2021
EP 17 How to heal yourself when no one else can, with Amy B Scher
Wednesday Nov 10, 2021
Wednesday Nov 10, 2021
Four-time bestselling author, Amy B. Scher explains how we can use energy work and self-exploration to break through blocks to become our happiest, healthiest, and most expressive selves.
Things we chat about:
- How to let healing find you
- The hidden upside of your illness
- Why we put on weight during the pandemic and why it is so hard to lose
Show Notes:
01:00 Amy's Journey of healing
03:08 Energy healing. Looking at illnesses via a different lens and living in alignment.
08:15 Being in tune with your body. Physical illness as a product of emotional states
11:45 Being non-resistant to your pain. Embracing it to defeat it
14:30 Weight-gain and how to apply Amy's methods to help "release" unwanted weight
17:15 Aligning your spirituality with your true path
18:45 How to get back into spiritual alignment
19:45 Fear of quieting our minds-- fear of the truth
20:30 Healing depression
23:45 Final thoughts and wrap-up