There is an almost constant tug-of-war going on inside working moms. They are pulled between wanting what’s best for their career, and what’s best for their kids. Welcome to The Working Mom’s Guide to Sanity podcast, your go-to resource for support, advice, and inspiration as you navigate the challenges of balancing your ambitious career dreams, and your family. Each week, we’ll bring you interviews with powerhouse working moms to share their insights on how they manage to find sanity while juggling their demanding jobs and kids. So, whether you’re listening on your commute to work, during your lunch break, or while running errands, we’re here to support you and help you achieve your goals as a working mom. Tune in to The Working Mom’s Guide to Sanity podcast and join our community of like-minded moms who are torn between their kids and careers like you are!
Tuesday Nov 21, 2023
Tuesday Nov 21, 2023
Dr. Nikki Lanier is the CEO and founder of Harper Slade, one of the fastest-growing and most highly recognized racial equity advisory firms in the country, her work focuses on helping organizations cultivate environments where black and brown talent can thrive.
Nikki has also founded two global coaching programs, one for inclined white women who want to become better racial equity advocates in their home, workplace, and community, and the other a coaching program for professional black women who are in need of ripening and respite.
In this episode, we discuss how white women can be better racial equity advocates, even over the holiday season when seated next to family members with differing views
Show Notes
(02:40) Educating the white population on race issues, introduction to Nikki
(06:36) Not being racist is not quite the same as being anti-racist
(10:26) What leads some white women to become advocates of racial equity
(12:40) What racism has stolen from YOU
(14:23) Tips for dealing with your racist uncle during XMAS dinner; navigating racially charged conversations
(18:44) Trying to convert people to anti-racism can backfire
(20:36) Why some white women do not engage with equity issues despite wishing to
Nikki’s links:
Websites: www.harperslade.com and www.nikkilanier.com