There is an almost constant tug-of-war going on inside working moms. They are pulled between wanting what’s best for their career, and what’s best for their kids. Welcome to The Working Mom’s Guide to Sanity podcast, your go-to resource for support, advice, and inspiration as you navigate the challenges of balancing your ambitious career dreams, and your family. Each week, we’ll bring you interviews with powerhouse working moms to share their insights on how they manage to find sanity while juggling their demanding jobs and kids. So, whether you’re listening on your commute to work, during your lunch break, or while running errands, we’re here to support you and help you achieve your goals as a working mom. Tune in to The Working Mom’s Guide to Sanity podcast and join our community of like-minded moms who are torn between their kids and careers like you are!
Tuesday Jun 21, 2022
Tuesday Jun 21, 2022
According to Fortune 100 executive coach and meditation teacher Kristoffer Carter, our work as leaders is to expand our spiritual capacity to hold more of what life and business are constantly throwing at us.
In his book, Permission to Glow, Kristoffer explains how to create awareness of the universal forces that hold us back and offers 4 Permissions we can activate “to transcend the crazy train of overwhelm and disruption by using everything life offers as fuel to glow.”
Show Notes
00:45 Coming out of the "Spiritual Closet" and bringing spirituality to the corporate world
06:32 How to notice when the Universe is giving you very clear answers about what to do (or not do do) next
10:25 The 4 Permissions #1: Permission to CHILL
13:50 Permission #2- Permission to Feel all the FEELS. Be at peace with what your heart does
17:16 Permission #3- Permission to Glow in the Dark. Becoming self-actualized
21:07 Permission #4- Permission to Surrender for the Greater Good
23:24 Feminine genius- "Allowing" vs masculine "Striving"
26:27 The biggest hurdles people face when trying to invest in themselves
27:57 Closing thoughts & further resources
Kristoffer’s links: