There is an almost constant tug-of-war going on inside working moms. They are pulled between wanting what’s best for their career, and what’s best for their kids. Welcome to The Working Mom’s Guide to Sanity podcast, your go-to resource for support, advice, and inspiration as you navigate the challenges of balancing your ambitious career dreams, and your family. Each week, we’ll bring you interviews with powerhouse working moms to share their insights on how they manage to find sanity while juggling their demanding jobs and kids. So, whether you’re listening on your commute to work, during your lunch break, or while running errands, we’re here to support you and help you achieve your goals as a working mom. Tune in to The Working Mom’s Guide to Sanity podcast and join our community of like-minded moms who are torn between their kids and careers like you are!
Tuesday May 31, 2022
Ep 36 How to get to Zero F*cks
Tuesday May 31, 2022
Tuesday May 31, 2022
Fuckless (adj.): Delightfully liberated from the fears, opinions, beliefs, desires, and/or expectations of others. *See also: free, unaffected, sovereign.
Our guest Gianna Biscontini, a Board-Certified Behavior Analyst, discusses ways we, as women, can get to zero fucks.
In her new book Fuckless: A Guide to Wild, Unencumbered Freedom, Biscontini guides women through the process of liberating themselves from the 10 archaic stifling expectations, AKA fucks, society has placed on them for over a century so that they can finally live life on their own terms.
Show Notes
01:25 What does it mean to be "Fuckless"?
04:29 Early societal conditioning
07:44 10 things to give less of a f*ck about
08:53 Be sexy, but sweet
12:20 Be needy, but also be everything
16:15 If you're not being a martyr, you're not doing it right
18:17 The problem of overstimulation
21:43 Be chosen- how to avoid the trappings of external validation
25:30 Closing thoughts
Gianna’s links: